EAT HEALTHY WITH ME                                                                                           

Step 1: Purchase to reserve your session.  

Step 2: You will be contacted by a team member within 48 business hours to schedule your session.

Step 3:  Fill our general forms that will be sent to you by team.

Step 4: Discuss your goals your goals and nutritional history, as well as your workout regimen.  Stacie will advise nutrition and intermittent fasting best practices and recommendations that are proven to work.  Stacie does not provide actual meal plans, however, will share her favorite go-to's, bio hacks and offer guidance.  This philosophy is all about cell rejuvenation, anti-aging, preventative health risks and weight loss or maintenance.                                                                                  

TIME NEEDED: 60 MIN                                                                                                                                                             

Once purchased, a member of our team will contact you via email to schedule an appointment.